- Here I took the soldering iron and swished the white plastic around with the blue plastic, melding them together forever.
- Here you can see the wire and pins from the inside of the case.
- The picture showing the wires being placed in the laptop came out pretty horrible. I'll put them up here later for reference.
- I know a lot of you have been wondering for years that very important question... does Squegie tin his wires? The answer of co
- One mutilated ac/dc adapter suitable for this laptop... check.
- Using the trusty soldering iron, I secure the remainder of the leads in place, adding excessive amounts of solder for later.
- abj.jpg
- Let us take a moment to review our handywork.
- Rage spent, I clean up with the ol' shop vac.
- This is the fun part where I go crazy with a pair of snips... unleashing untold fury upon the motherboard of doom (pretty much a
- Because of how loose the connector is, I do not think it is useable. I have it almost sideways here.
- If you can see the gap, I can actually move the connector around with a screwdriver with very minimal force.
- Here you can see why we had to remove the modem. Toshiba, in their infinite wisdom, have attached it to this massive bracket th
- A nice up-close and personal shot of the modem. Observe the chipset.
- abb.jpg